Faith Alive Ministries was birthed in January 1992 out of a great need within the Body of Christ in our region to make disciples and to bring them into greater maturity as to our covenant promises and rights as believers. We believe that the Father’s intent was not only to save us but to empower us by His Holy Spirit to be a light, impacting our generation and establishing His purpose here on earth today. Therefore we are committed to create and maintain a church environment where God’s manifested presence would inhabit us not just occasionally but consistently, resulting in impacting our region.

A Place to Learn
We believe there is no greater stewardship entrusted to us as a church than the responsibility of teaching God’s eternal Word. At Faith Alive Ministries, the Bible is God’s word to man, a book that is alive and real for life today. Rest assure that our teachers that are instructing children, youth, or adult are using methods and materials that will convey the Bible in a way that is fresh, relevant, and understandable. We believe the result upon our children and adults will extend beyond the confines of the church, to encourage them toward Christlikeness in their homes, their schools, and in their relationships with friends and peers. Therefore they will be equipped to make crucial decisions in there lives based upon the moral standard of God’s Word, empowering them to live victorious Christian lives every day of the week. To this end, God’s word will transform students into teachers, disciples into disciples, and seekers into guides.
A Place to Grow
Faith Alive Ministries takes seriously its commitment to the building up of the Body of Christ. This demands that we constantly recognize the tremendous diversity of gifts and abilities, as well as pertinent needs within our church family. Our pattern is that of our Lord who humbly ministered to the needs of His disciples, and those disciples brought it to the world in need. Just as a healthy body requires both challenges and refreshments, so the diverse ministries of Faith Alive Ministries offer growing believers the refreshment of mutual edification as well as the challenges of voluntary ministry in areas best suited to their gifts and abilities. Through dynamic small group interaction as well as programs geared to special segments of our fellowship. Edification of the Body of Christ is a vital part of Faith Alive Ministries because all who are joined to Christ are knitted together and are strengthened by what every joint supply, every part doing their share causes growth within the body. That’s how important you are to us here at Faith Alive Ministries.
A Place to Serve
Faith Alive Ministries is committed to a ministry of service. Week after week this commitment is expressed in many ways. It is seen in our ministers and teachers who invest long hours preparing to teach eager students. It is demonstrated by the members of our congregation who consistently reach out to serve those in need physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Foremost it is shown in their personal commitment to serving one another in the spirit of love. Faith Alive Ministries is indeed a place where you will find open doors, and open hearts, determined to serve you in their service to God.
A Place to Worship
At Faith Alive Ministries the most crucial of all our activities is the time we spend in worship. Without question, this is central to our life as a body of believers. When we gather during the week and every Sunday morning our primary focus is to humbly enter His presence, to bask in the beauty of His Holiness, to exalt His Name in adoration, to express with gratitude our thanksgiving for His continued benevolence on our behalf. At the core of this sacred act, we are clearly expressing our acknowledgment, devotion and affirming our constant need for Him. Lifting our voices in praise to the one who gives us life in all its fullness. Rest assure that our worship experience is vibrant, celebrant, and solemn; its impact is liberating, refreshing, and comforting.