We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth
Faith Alive Ministries was birthed in January 1992 out of a great need within the Body of Christ in our region to make disciples and to bring them into greater maturity as to our covenant promises and rights as believers. We believe that the Father’s intent was not only to save us but to empower us by His Holy Spirit to be a light, impacting our generation and establishing His purpose here on earth today. Therefore we are committed to create and maintain a church environment where God’s manifested presence would inhabit us not just occasionally but consistently, resulting in impacting our region.

Our Weekly Television Programs
Currently viewing on Optimum channel 20 – Saturdays at 8:30am
Our Leaders

Pastor Angel M. Falcon
Founder and Senior Pastor
Founder and Senior Pastor

Pastor Orlando Ortiz, Sr. Spanish Ministry Pastor
Upcoming Events
Women’s Movie Night
Feb 21st @ 7pm
Staff Appreciation
March 15th
Pursuing His Purpose – Equipping His Saints – Expanding His Kingdom
Tenemos servicios en Español
Servicio de Adoracion – Domingo 10:00am
Servicio en Espanol – Jueves – 7:30pm